Portfolio AllIllustrationsAnimations Jigsaw cutting in Gliding Brow Lift _ Animated Graphical Abstract Cranial retaining ligament Hyoid Sling _ Animated Graphical Abstract Aortic Root Replcment With Valve-Sparing Tricspd AV Repair_ Genioglossus muscle dissection in Hypoglossal nerve stimulation device Filler injection into Ophthalmic circulation Inspiration, Vocal cords and Pharyngeal Anatomy Botox in Laryngeal Dystonia _ Lateral rotation approach for injecting PostCrAryt muscle Chrome Partial Dentures _ Animated Graphical Abstract Closure of Multiple VSDs _ Animated Graphical Abstract Anatomy of the Clitoris Ligamentous Anatomy of the Face Male Reproductive system Minimally invasive Facelift surgery Facial anatomy Mastopexy Augmentation Technique Sleeve Gastrectomy with Transit Bipartition _ Animated Graphical Abstract Temple OH placement Facelift Anatomy Distal radius management Lasso Loop Technique in Superior Capsular Reconstruction Transcatheter aortic valve insertion Foreskin fusion in the infant penis Acetabular rim osteoplasty with labral take down ACL Repair Health Education video modules Anti-VEGF injection in AMD Epidural and Spinal injections Mauriceau-Smellie-Veit (MSV) manoeuvre Anatomy of the Nasal, Oral Cavities and Throat Chin-up and muscles Breast Reconstruction with The Scarless Latissimus Dorsi Flap Technique Thoracosopic removal of Right upper lobe tumour Pelvic Plexus Diver Cyclist Water birthing Bladder neck-urethra angle Pulmonary artery obstruction due to M. abscessus infection Feet and ankles Cervical disc replacement Coronary artery stent Intravesical BOTOX injection Nissen Fundoplication Capsule Endoscopy Acne poster Orbit anatomy Implantable Cardioverter – Defibrillators CPR with LUCAS Chest Compression Phacoemulsification Push up Patent Foramen Ovale Closure Facial spaces Retrobulbar anaesthetic injection Robotic Thymectomy Relenza Diskhaler Fetus & iPod Stomach lap band The Bionic eye Single anastomosis duodeno-ileal bypass with sleeve gastrectomy (SADI-S) operation Oesophageal atresia repair Visual Fields Test 30-weeks pregnant woman Neck muscles Papillary Muscle Cryoablation Explant Mastopexy _ Animated Graphical Abstract Frozen Shoulder 1080 TM joint Pregnant elephant Dorsal Hump Reduction Rhinoplasty Larri in Laryngopharyngeal reflux treatment Norwood Procedure _ Animated Graphical Abstract The impact of boxing on the brain. Robotic surgery of the prostate Stripping the membranes Platysma Lifting Biceps tenodesis with Loop suture and SwiveLock